Some Liquid Web Components include assets which need to be loaded during runtime. Depending on how you bundle your client side resources, you may need to tweak your bundler so that it puts Liquid's assets into the right place and "tell" Liquid where to look for the assets.
Suppose you have a Vue.js application which requires you to put all statically served assets into a folder called public
in the root directory of your project. You can copy over all Liquid assets into that folder by tweeking the rollup config as follows:
// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import copy from 'rollup-plugin-copy'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
targets: [
src: 'node_modules/@emdgroup-liquid/liquid/dist/liquid/assets/*',
dest: 'public/assets',
hook: 'buildStart',
// ...
// ...
Now all you need to do is "tell" the Liquid components where they have to load their assets from by using setAssetPath
// main.ts
import { setAssetPath } from '@emdgroup-liquid/liquid/dist/components'
does not work for React bindings. Please take a look at the React bindings docs for an alternative approach.
For more examples check out our sandbox apps.